Statutes of the Association ECOCORESwith its registered office in Vaduz, Liechtenstein1. Name and registered office Name of the association: Ecocores Under the name ECOCORES, based in Vaduz, Liechtenstein, there is an association within the meaning of Art. 246 and the following articles of the law on persons and companies. ECOCORES is an association without an economic purpose and it does not operate a commercial business. Purpose:
The association acts as a management-holding through the acquisition and ownership of company shares and companies in accordance with the purpose and through the establishment of subsidiaries and organizations that can have an economic purpose, if this serves the goals and tasks of the association. 3. Funds of the association The funds of the association for the pursuit of the purpose of the association consist of: - Voluntary membership fees and other voluntary financial contributions; - Zero-coupon bonds, interest-free loans or capital provisions; - Income from the association's assets; 4. Members of the Association The founding members and their descendants have a membership entitlement. In addition, a membership entitlement can be granted to natural persons who have rendered special services in the sense of the association's purpose or who are the main investors upon application by a resolution of the board. 5. Entry, exit and re-entry Authorized persons can enter at any time by registering. It is possible to leave the association at any time. However, authorized persons can re-enter at any time. 6. Bodies of the association The bodies of the association are: a) the general assembly; b) the board of directors; c) the auditors; 7. The General Assembly The General Assembly is the supreme body of the association. In particular, it is responsible for: a) Election and dismissal of the President and any other members of the Executive Board; b) Determination of whether auditors are required and election of the auditors; c) Acceptance of the association's accounts; d) Resolution on the adoption and amendment of the Articles of Association (excluding correction of the registered office address and the like by the Board of Directors); e) Resolution on matters reserved to it by law or the Articles of Association or submitted to it by the Board of Directors. f) Resolution on the dissolution of the association; 8. Convocation of the General Meeting The General Assembly is convened by resolution of the Board of Directors. It must also be convened if one fifth of the members or their delegates request this in writing or by online voting, but a General Assembly may be held no more than once a year. The General Assembly can also be held as an online conference. 9. Voting rights and passing of resolutions a) Each member has one vote at the General Assembly b) The General Meeting passes its resolutions and conducts elections by simple majority 10 The Board of Directors a) The board consists of the president, who can entrust one or two general secretaries with the regular management and representation, each authorized to sign alone. b) The Board of Directors may additionally consist of up to 7 further persons (Extended Board of Directors). For each member, the powers with which they are entrusted (area of responsibility) must be specified; each additional board member is solely authorized to sign for their area of responsibility. c) After the board has been appointed at the founding meeting, the board constitutes itself and is authorized to issue organizational regulations. Board members can also be appointed and dismissed by the general meeting, but founding members cannot be dismissed and have the right to appoint themselves or a legally valid representative at any time. d) Board members can resign at any time in accordance with labor law (notice period). However, the last board member must remain until a replacement can take over. e) The competence of the Executive Board includes in particular: 1) Preparation of the General Meeting; 2) Execution of the resolutions of the General Meeting; 3) Handling of suggestions, motions and complaints from members of the association; 4) Preparation of the budget and annual accounts; 5) Management of the association's assets; 6) Activity related to the fulfillment of the purpose of the association. Furthermore, the board members are entitled to all other powers with which they have been entrusted. 11. The auditors If auditors are required by law or if the general meeting has determined that auditors are required due to the size of the association, the board of directors must appoint one or two natural persons as auditors. The audit may also be assigned to a legal entity alone. 12. Liability Only the association's assets are liable for the association's liabilities. Any personal liability of its members is expressly excluded and there is no obligation to make additional contributions; 13. Dissolution, liquidation The dissolution of the association can be decided by the general assembly if at least three quarters of the members are present and it requires the approval of at least two thirds of all members. The liquidation must be carried out in accordance with the purpose of the association or in accordance with the statutory provisions 14. Approval of articles of association, entry into force These Articles of Association were unanimously approved at the inaugural meeting on April 24, 2024 and entered into force on that date. |
© 2024 Ecocores (V.i.G), Liechtenstein Statutes | Disclosure |